Invited Seminars

IIHE invited seminar: New measurement of the Muon anomalous magnetic moment at Fermilab

by Dr Carlo Ferrari (INO)

Probably zoom (IIHE (ULB-VUB))

Probably zoom



Abstract: The first results of the Fermilab National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) Muon g−2 Experiment for the positive muon magnetic anomaly aμ≡(gμ−2)/2 has been released on April 7, 2021. The Muon g-2 experiment (E989) aims to measure the magnetic anomaly of the muon with an accuracy of 140 parts per billion (ppb). The analysis of the Run-1 (2018) data confirmed the result of the previous experiment at Brookhaven Nation Laboratory (E821), improving its accuracy with the achievement of an overall uncertainty of 460 ppb. The result is 3.3 standard deviations greater than the Standard Model prediction (WP2020) and is in excellent agreement with the previous BNL measurement (1.1 sigma). By combining the two experimental measurements, a tension of 4.2 sigma was observed with the theoretical value calculated by the Standard Model. I will present the result of this extremely high-precision measurement, deepening the experimental method and the analysis performed.

Shirt bio:  Carlo Ferrari obtained a degree in Physics at the University of Pisa (Italy, 1993). He is researcher at the National Institute of Optics (Italian National Council of Research) since 2002. Ferrari has had teaching assignments at the University of Pisa since 2008 and has been associated with INFN (Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics) since 2012. Ferrari has joined the Muon g-2 experiment in 2012 and he was project manager of the installation of the laser calibration system at FNAL in 2016/17 (awarded with the FNAL Intensity Frontier Fellowship). Ferrari has also been DoE-L3 manager since 2019 for the laser calibration system of the Mu2e experiment at FNAL and has joined the new MUonE experiment at CERN last year.
Meeting ID: 863 0612 6641
Passcode: !!HESem

Organised by

Ioana Maris and Steven Lowette