Internal Seminars

Bi-Weekly IIHE Internal Seminar: Jonathan Miller, "Using the IceCube Observatory to search for Secluded Dark Matter"

IIHE Large Seminar Room (IIHE)

IIHE Large Seminar Room


Interest has developed in models where dark matter is secluded from the Standard Model via a mediator. Dark matter may be gravitationally captured in the Sun and annihilate into a non-Standard Model mediator,  which subsequently decays into Standard Model particles and may decay in the vicinity of the Earth. In some models the result from such a decay, close co-linear muons, can be a unique signal in a neutrino telescope, such as the IceCube detector at the South Pole. A potential signal can be discriminated from atmospheric neutrinos via the energy deposition topology in the detector. I will introduce the secluded dark matter framework and the expected sensitivity from an analysis for dark matter using IceCube in the 79-string configuration.