Sommerville room, Building S, ULB Solbosch Campus (Brussels)
Sommerville room, Building S, ULB Solbosch Campus
Avenue Jeanne 44
Audrey Terrier(IIHE ULB), Barbara CLERBAUX(IIHE), Giannis Flouris(Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE)), Marleen GOEMAN(IIHE - VUB), Olivier DEVROEDE(IIHE), Reza Goldouzian(Université libre de Bruxelles), Steven Lowette(VUB)
The goal of the 2017 edition of the annual CMS Exotica workshop is to review and discuss the 13 TeV analyses, with particular focus on the new 2017 data and an efficient conversion of the results towards competitive journal publications. In addition, the event will feature discussions to refine the roadmap for the future of the EXOTICA physics programme. The workshop represents a unique opportunity for the scientists of the CMS Exotica community to show and discuss new results and findings, plan the future, and bring new ideas.