HEP@VUB meetings

Jean Sacton seminar room (1G003) (Universe)

Jean Sacton seminar room (1G003)


External Speaker: Alex Belin (Amsterdam U.)
  • Alberto Mariotti
  • Alex S
  • Ben Craps
  • Chris Blair
  • de Vries
  • Dries Coone
  • Hongbao Zhang
  • Jarne De Clercq
  • Kévin Nguyen
  • Matthias Vereecken
  • Pablo Correa
  • Paul Coppin
  • Sarosi Gabor
  • Seth Moortgat
  • Shimaa Abu Zeid
  • Sibylle Driezen
  • Steven Lowette
  • Vincent Luyten
  • Wieland Staessens
    • 12:00 13:00
      Holography and a new perspective on Quantum Gravity in Anti-de Sitter space 1h
      Combining Einstein’s theory of general relativity and quantum mechanics in a unified framework of quantum gravity has been a notoriously hard problem and remains one of the main challenges in modern physics. In this talk, I will explain how the AdS/CFT correspondence gives us a new perspective to understand theories of quantum gravity (at least those living in a space with a negative cosmological constant). In particular, holography circumvents the problem surrounding the UV-completion of general relativity. I will discuss general constraints one must place on the microscopic UV-complete theory of quantum gravity in order to recover general relativity at low energies.