14 November 2019
Building G
Europe/Brussels timezone

Iason Baldes: "Connection to Dark Matter"

14 Nov 2019, 14:30
G/1-G.1.03 - J. Sacton (Building G)

G/1-G.1.03 - J. Sacton

Building G

Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 2 1050 Brussels


LISA will test scenarios of strongly supercooled phase transitions at the TeV scale by searching for a stochastic background of gravitational waves. I will discuss how such a phase transition can be closely tied to the relic abundance of dark matter in certain classes of models which feature close-to-conformal potentials. In confining phase transitions, for example, the yield of composite dark matter can be set in a process of hadronization as fundamental constituents enter the expanding bubbles. The gravitational wave signal from the phase transition gives a unique signature of such DM scenarios, complementary to collider, direct and indirect searches.

Presentation materials