IIHE staff meeting

G/0-G.0.45 - Z Room (Building G)

G/0-G.0.45 - Z Room

Building G

Barbara CLERBAUX (IIHE), Michael Tytgat (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
    • 12:15 13:35
      General discussion 1h 20m

      Research & staff

      Status of IIHE budget


      IIHE seminar organization

      - status of office space
      - two newly renovated large offices on G.0
      - future of the library
      - future of the Tracker cleanroom
      - cleanup/re-organization of the mechanical workshop and storage space
      - procedure for VUB Ultimo tickets
      - Tier-2 move to Zellik

      IIHE website

      IIHE annual report

      IIHE news-outreach-social media team

    • 13:35 13:45
      AOB 10m