Invited Seminars

Topical seminar: Precision measurements of jet production at HERA

by Mr Denys Lontkovskyi (DESY)

Jean Sacton seminar room (1G005) (IIHE (VUB))

Jean Sacton seminar room (1G005)


abstract: Quantum Chromodynamics is one the least understood sectors of the Standard Model. In particular, internal structure of the proton remains a puzzle limiting many precision studies at the LHC and even sometimes perplexing searches for new physics. The unique ep collider HERA provided the most precise information about the proton to date. Jets are indispensable tools for testing the dynamics of the strong interaction in the weak coupling regime and providing additional information about the proton substructure. In this talk the results of the measurements and QCD analysis of the jet production in various kinematic regions at HERA will be presented.