Invited Seminars

IIHE invited seminar: Novel QCD effects at high collision energies and their phenomenological implications

by Prof. Javier Albacete (Universidad de Granada)

Jean Sacton Seminar room (1G003) (IIHE, VUB)

Jean Sacton Seminar room (1G003)


abstract: At very high collision energies QCD enters a new regime governed by large gluon densities and non-linear coherent phenomena, globally referred to as gluon saturation effects. In the introduction I shall briefly discuss the basic ingredients for the theoretical formulation of the gluon saturation regime of QCD. Then I I will focus in the phenomenological searches of these high-density effects in several experimental programs (past and future Deep Inelastic Scattering programs and p+p and heavy ion collisions at RHIC and the LHC) and their possible consequences in astroparticle observations like UHE neutrino-nucleon scattering or cosmic rays. I will argue that while no definitive conclusion can be extracted from the analyses of presently available data, it is fair to say that many observables from a variety of collision systems find their natural explanation and a good quantitative description in terms of non-linear dynamics associated to the presence of large gluon densities.