Invited Seminars

IIHE topical seminar: θ13 Reactor Neutrinos Physics and Beyond

by Dr Anatael Cabrera (APC Laboratory (Paris, FR) & LNCA Underground Laboratory (Chooz, FR))

Jean Sacton Seminar room (1G003) (IIHE, VUB)

Jean Sacton Seminar room (1G003)


abstract: Reactor-θ13 experiments, Daya Bay (China), Double Chooz (France) and RENO (South Korea), were conceived for high precision measurements of the leptonic mixing matrix angle θ13, relying on systematics error control <1%, using the multi-detector approach for inter-detector providing large error cancellation. In this seminar, I shall review the world scenario of θ13 experiments. Special attention will be paid to the latest flux prediction inconsistencies, such the energy distorsion observed between [4,6]MeV, as solidly observed by all experiments. Upon the end of the reactor θ13 experiments, by ~2018, most (if not all) other reactor experiments using reactor neutrinos will continue to rely on single-detector, as all experiment in the past. So, I will dedicate a fraction of my seminar to the outlook of the possible implications from the reactor-θ13 era into future reactor experiments such JUNO.