HEP@VUB meetings

Jean Sacton seminar room (1G003) (Universe)

Jean Sacton seminar room (1G003)


External Speaker: Chris McCabe (GRAPPA Amsterdam)
  • Alberto Mariotti
  • Camilo Garcia
  • Denys Lontkovskyi
  • Denys Lontkovskyi
  • Dries Coone
  • Freya Blekman
  • Ioana Maris
  • Isabelle De Bruyn
  • Isis Van Parijs
  • Julian Heeck
  • katie Mitra
  • Katie Mulrey
  • Leonidas Kalousis
  • Lieselotte Moreels
  • Seth Moortgat
  • Shimaa Abu Zeid
  • Simon Vercaemer
  • Steven Lowette
  • Tim De Jonckheere
  • Vincent Luyten
    • 1
      Low energy signals in xenon detectors: from supernova neutrinos to light dark matter
      One of the major achievements of the LUX collaboration was to accurately calibrate xenon dark matter direct detection experiments to sub-keV energies. This means that reliable predictions of low-energy signals can now be performed. In this talk, I’ll explore new low-energy signals from neutrinos and low-mass dark matter that could be measured with the forthcoming generation of multi-tonne xenon detectors. Based primarily on arXiv:1606.09243 and arXiv:1702.04730.
      Speaker: Chris McCabe