Internal Seminars

Christopher Raab: Search for Neutrinos Correlated to Variable Gamma-Ray Emission

Large Seminar Room (Universe)

Large Seminar Room


Blazars are active galactic nuclei that have their relativistic particle jet pointing towards Earth and have been observed e.g. by the Fermi-LAT instrument to emit gamma rays to very high energies. They are also candidates for the yet-unknown accelerators of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. In such a case, their gamma-ray emission might be associated with neutrinos produced by hadronic interactions in the jet. Correlating the gamma-rays' direction, magnitude and variability with the direction, energy and time of neutrinos detected by IceCube, a cubic-kilometre neutrino telescope at the South Pole could therefore reveal the origin of cosmic rays. I will describe this method and give an outlook on current developments.