June 12, 2017
Europe/Brussels timezone
Naturalness is a central motivation for the study of physics beyond the Standard Model and it is one of the main open issue associated to electroweak symmetry breaking and to the nature of the Brout-Englert-Higgs boson. After the null results of LHC in finding new physics, it is crucial to assess if Naturalness is still a valid guiding principle and what are the most recent developments and proposals to address this outstanding open puzzle.
Please register timely to the event since the number of participants is limited.
The workshop will take place at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels) in the Jean Sacton seminar room at the IIHE (1G003)
List of speakers:
Alessandro Strumia (Pisa University & CERN)
Steven Abel (Durham IPPP)
Christoph Englert (Glasgow University)
Diego Redigolo (Weizmann University)
Daniele Teresi (Universite Libre de Brussels)
Michael Spannowsky (Durham IPPP)

The workshop is supported by the Strategic Research Program HEP@VUB.
The workshop is part of a series HEP@VUB Crosstalk Workshops whose objective is to promote interdisciplinary activities across research groups in theoretical and experimental aspects of particle physics, astro-particle physics and high-energy astrophysics

Local Organizers: Alberto Mariotti and Alexander Sevrin
For any additional information please contact Alberto Mariotti
Jean Sacton seminar room (1G003)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 2 1050 Brussels