Internal Seminars

Comparison of the LHC four top results to production of four top quarks in SUSY

by Mathias Mancini

Large seminar root (Universe)

Large seminar root


A search for new physics by the CMS collaboration is interpreted in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) and in effective field theory (EFT). The results in this study are compared to data collected at √s = 13 TeV with an integrated luminosity of 2.6 fb^-1. In this research cross sections are calculated for both SUSY models and compared with existing cross section limits from the data. The analysis is focused on production of four top quarks at the LHC, it aims to set stronger constraints on the Higgs sector in MSSM and EFT operators. This work is part of a Bachelor thesis at the department of physics and astronomy at the VUB.