HEP@VUB meetings

EuroDemo (0G120) (Universe)

EuroDemo (0G120)


External Speaker: Prof. Glennys Farrar (Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics New York)
    • 14:00 15:00
      Sexaquark Dark Matter 1h
      There may be a so-far-undiscovered neutral, stable particle composed of 6 quarks, denoted S, with mass m_S ~ 2 m_p. If so, the S is an excellent Dark Matter candidate. I will explain why such a particle would not have been detected, propose experiments to discover it, discuss why direct detection experiments to date do not exclude it, mention some of the numerous astrophysical benefits of a DM-baryon interaction, and how it works cosmologically giving the observed DM-baryon abundance ratio and the baryon asymmetry of the Universe.
      Speaker: Prof. Glennys Farrar