Invited Seminars

IIHE invited seminar: Low-energy neutrino physics with Borexino and JUNO

by Prof. Livia Ludhova (RWTH Aachen University)

Jean Sacton Seminar room (1G003) (IIHE (ULB-VUB))

Jean Sacton Seminar room (1G003)


Abstract. Liquid-scintillator based neutrino detection technique plays a key role in the detection of MeV neutrinos and antineutrinos. Borexino is the world radio-purest liquid-scintillator detector placed at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy, while JUNO is the first multi-kton (20 kton) detector of this kind under construction in Jiangmen in South China, that will come to operation in 2021. The talk will review the latest Borexino results. In particular, I will describe the latest comprehensive measurements of the pp-chain solar neutrinos (pp, 7Be, pep, and 8B solar neutrinos) and geoneutrinos, antineutrinos emitted along the decays of long-lived radioactive elements inside the Earth. The physics potential of JUNO as well as the current status of the project will also be discussed.