2nd GNN Workshop on Indirect Dark Matter Searches with Neutrino Telescopes
Jean Sacton Seminar room (1G003)
IIHE (VUB Campus La Pleine), Building G,
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Ixelles
Poster |
The goal of the workshop is to bring together experts on indirect detection of Dark Matter with neutrinos from different experiments: IceCube, ANTARES, Baikal and Kaimiokande as well as phenomenologists and theoreticians to discuss the latest advances and future avenues on the indirect detection of Dark Matter with neutrinos.
Vidyo streaming:
The workshop will be streamed via Vidyo. Please use one of the folowing links:
You can use your browser as a web client or download the Vidyo client.
Organizing Committee:
J. A. Aguilar Sánchez (IIHE - ULB), J. D. Zornoza Gómez (IFIC - UV), S. R. Gozzini (IFIC - UV), T. Thakore (IFIC - UV), S. Baur (IIHE - ULB)

Where do we stand? Summary of recent Dark Matter from different experiments.
Detector parameters: Effective volumes/areas, how we calculate them
Signal MCs: what simulation framework and parameters are we using
Combined analysis between different experiment
Where to look for Dark Matter (pros/cons): Earth, dwarf galaxies, galaxy clusters...
New backgrounds, solar atmospheric neutrinos
Planned low energy extensions.
Vidyo streaming:
The workshop will be streamed via Vidyo. Please use one of the folowing links:
You can use your browser as a web client or download the Vidyo client.
Organizing Committee:
J. A. Aguilar Sánchez (IIHE - ULB), J. D. Zornoza Gómez (IFIC - UV), S. R. Gozzini (IFIC - UV), T. Thakore (IFIC - UV), S. Baur (IIHE - ULB)