Invited Seminars

Search for a Strange Phase in Beautiful Oscillations

by Tristan du Pree (UCL)

Large seminar room : 1G-003 (IIHE(ULB-VUB))

Large seminar room : 1G-003


The hunt for beyond the Standard Model physics has now really started at the LHC. The main focus of the general purpose experiments CMS and Atlas will be to search for yet undiscovered particles in a direct way, for example by searching for new resonances in invariant-mass spectra. The LHCb experiment, a dedicated B-physics experiment at the LHC accelerator, performs searches in a different way: by studying the behavior of heavy mesons. In this way the experiment is sensitive to possible off-shell contributions of heavy particles and as such is able to probe beyond the standard model particles in a complimentary way. I will describe the expectations of the CP-violating decays under study at LHCb, with a focus on the Bs->Jpsiphi decay, one of the key channels of the LHCb experiment the coming years. I will discuss the motivations for this study, the analysis methods, and the expectations for the near future, given recent results of the experiment.