Bi-weekly IIHE Internal Seminar: Luca Pernie, "Fast timing studies for phase 2 upgrade at CMS experiment"
During High Luminosity LHC the average Pile Up interactions are expected to be about 140. This will be an issue for the trigger and the object reconstruction, degradating the jet and the missing energy resolution and all the isolation quantities. It is therefore fundamental to tag and remove hits from Pile Up.
This seminar discusses the contribute of a precise time measure on the reconstruction performance. The studies are divided in two parts. In the first part it has been studied the intrinsic time resolution of an electromagnetic and hadronic shower and the time profile for different objects on the longitudinal and lateral side.
In the second part, the precise time information has been added in the full reconstruction, and its ideal resolution has been smeared to test the different time resolutions versus the recontruction performence, like the determination of the vertex position with timing and the Pile Up jet removal based on the time associated to the jet.