The IAP network Winter Solstice meeting "Fundamental interactions: at the boundary of theory, phenomenology and experiment" will take place in Brussels at the VUB. The meeting will cover new research of the participating institutes, presented in talks accessible to researchers with different specializations in high-energy physics. Ample time will be devoted to discussions about a potential EOS proposal (the successor to the IAP's with submission deadline in early April 2017) by the members of the current IAP network. In this sense this is not a regular IAP meeting. The next regular IAP meeting will be held around June 21 2017 at the ULB.
The meeting will take place in Aula Q-B on the VUB Humanities, Science and Engineering Campus in Etterbeek
Detailed map to get to building Q here
Please use the barcode at entry 13 to gain car acces to the campus. You can find the barcode here. There is an underground parking under building Q.
The MVIB/STIB provides detailed information to get to the VUB here