H++H-- Meeting


Regular meeting for the H++H-- decaying to leptons search. 

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    • 3:00 PM 3:30 PM
      Round Table 30m
      Speakers: Barbara CLERBAUX (IIHE), Edgar Carrera Jarrin (Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador), Laurent Thomas (ULB), Santiago Paredes Saenz

      To do:

      • Reduce the pt cuts to 30/20/20/20 instead of 30/30/30/30
      • Remake the pt trailing distribution after the update pt cuts, all years together. Use finer binning. Is the data/MC disagreement more pronounced at low pt?
      • Check trk iso distribution for muons in data and simulation. 
      • Apply tighter isolation cut for muons: trkiso <0.1.