HEP@VUB meetings (43)

Jean Sacton seminar room (1G003) (Universe)

Jean Sacton seminar room (1G003)


Speaker: Leonidas N. Kalousis
  • Alberto Mariotti
  • Ben Craps
  • Gwenhaël de Wasseige
  • Isabelle De Bruyn
  • Isis Van Parijs
  • Jan Lünemann
  • Jarne De Clercq
  • Jorgen D'Hondt
  • Kevin Deroover
  • King Leonidas Kalousis
  • Krijn de Vries
  • Laura
  • Lieselotte Moreels
  • matthias vereecken
  • Petra Van Mulders
  • Quentin Python
  • Shimaa Abu Zeid
  • Simona Toscano
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      The SoLid experiment
      The recent observation of the Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly has revived the interest in short baseline experiments probing the disappearance of electron neutrinos and antineutrinos. The SoLid experiment is a reactor project that aims to resolve the anomaly using a novel detector design. Installed at a very short distance of ~ 5 - 10 m from the BR2 research reactor at SCK-CEN in Belgium, it will be able to scan the allowed parameter region within a year of data taking through the detection of low energy $\bar\nu_e$. The detector cube segmentation and robust neutron identification capabilities offer an unprecedented background rejection necessary for experiments on surface. The first phase of the experiment is expected to start in 2016.