2 October 2009
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Europe/Brussels timezone

Forward Physics capabilities of CMS with the CASTOR calorimeter

2 Oct 2009, 17:10
building D, room D.0.05 (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

building D, room D.0.05

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Campus Etterbeek


Benoit Roland (UA)


The Cerenkov calorimeter CASTOR, located 14.4 m downstream of the CMS interaction point, extends the pseudorapidity coverage of the CMS detector to the region −6.6 < < −5.2 and enables to study forward physics events in which particles are produced close to the proton beam direction. After having described the CASTOR calorimeter, its capabilities and physics program will be presented. The accent will be put on the study of multi-jets events with a forward jet, which gives access to the parton dynamics beyond the usual DGLAP one and to the investigation of the BFKL-like QCD evolution. The use of the CASTOR calorimeter as a veto detector to require the absence of forward activity, which is of prime importance in the study of diffractive events, will also be discussed.

Primary author

Benoit Roland (UA)

Presentation materials