Sep 6 – 17, 2010
Europe/Brussels timezone

Scientific Programme


Topic Lecturer Hours
 QCD, including an introduction to QFT  Darren FORDE  10h + 5 h tutorial
 Phenomenology of hadron collisions  Gregory SOYEZ  6h + 2 h tutorial
 Experimental results from LEP, Tevatron and LHC  Stan BENTVELSEN  6h
 Accelerators  Bernard HOLZER  4h
 Trigger and data acquisition at colliders  Gilles DE LENTDECKER  4h
 Calorimetry and jet reconstruction  Christian ZEITNITZ  4h
 High energy particle astrophysics (cosmic rays, neutrinos, gamma rays)  Charles TIMMERMANS  4h
 Physics beyond the Standard Model  Paul DE JONG  5h
 Analysis Methods  Christophe DELAERE  4h + 4 h tutorial
 Lattice QCD  Zoltan FODOR  4h

Student Sessions

Students attending the school the second time have the possibility to give a short (15 min.) presentation of their thesis work. During the first days of the school there will be a timetable with 21 timeslots where you can write down your name. There will be a PC (ppt2007 or pdf) and beamer.

Evening Lecture

The multi-purpose research facility MYRRHA
Prof. Peter Baeten