Topic | Lecturer | Hours |
QCD, including an introduction to QFT | Darren FORDE | 10h + 5 h tutorial |
Phenomenology of hadron collisions | Gregory SOYEZ | 6h + 2 h tutorial |
Experimental results from LEP, Tevatron and LHC | Stan BENTVELSEN | 6h |
Accelerators | Bernard HOLZER | 4h |
Trigger and data acquisition at colliders | Gilles DE LENTDECKER | 4h |
Calorimetry and jet reconstruction | Christian ZEITNITZ | 4h |
High energy particle astrophysics (cosmic rays, neutrinos, gamma rays) | Charles TIMMERMANS | 4h |
Physics beyond the Standard Model | Paul DE JONG | 5h |
Analysis Methods | Christophe DELAERE | 4h + 4 h tutorial |
Lattice QCD | Zoltan FODOR | 4h |
Student Sessions
Students attending the school the second time have the possibility to give a short (15 min.) presentation of their thesis work. During the first days of the school there will be a timetable with 21 timeslots where you can write down your name. There will be a PC (ppt2007 or pdf) and beamer.
Evening Lecture
The multi-purpose research facility MYRRHA
Prof. Peter Baeten