2 October 2009
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Europe/Brussels timezone

Pixel detector developments

2 Oct 2009, 16:15
building D, room D.0.05 (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

building D, room D.0.05

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Campus Etterbeek


Elena Martin (UCL-EXP)


The development of pixel detector applications developed in CP3 using different technologies will be presented. The first part of the talk will include a review of the different technologies available for pixel detectors. The second part will introduce the SOI pixel project developed in CP3 using 2um DICE-UCL technology. The last part of the talk will introduce NA62 EOC read-out chip design, done using 130nm technology from IBM.

Primary author

Elena Martin (UCL-EXP)

Presentation materials